Research Outline

Our laboratory focuses on two core foundations: communication systems (physical and MAC layers) and corresponding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues in wireless/wired communications in human body areas and automobiles. For communications, the research topics involve channel modeling, modulation / de-modulation, circuit realization, and antenna design for body area communication, with an emphasis on applications for medical diagnosis, healthcare, automatic identification, and robot control. The end-points of our research include wireless on-body data transmission in body area networks (BAN) for healthcare applications, real-time image transmission and localization for capsule endoscopes, and healthy situation monitoring of drivers for automatic operation and control of automobiles. In terms of EMC, for realizing safe and reliable communication systems, we are tackling to develop effective exposure systems of animal experiment for testing possible biological effects of electromagnetic waves, to clarify and quantify electromagnetic interference for wearable and implanted devices, to analyze EMC performance of next-generation automotive communications, and to develop new EMC test methods for ensuring quality of communication devices.



  • 2025.01 Mr. Y. Shimizu presented his research at EMCJ (Kochi).
  • 2024.12 Ms. Y. Hamada presented her research at MICT (Osaka).
  • 2024.12 Mr. N. Torii and Mr. M. Tamai received the KEC Special Award. [1],[2]
  • 2024.11 Ms. L. Liu presented her research at 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) (South Korea).
  • 2024.09 Mr. Y. Shimizu, Mr. R. Hirano presented their research at IEICE Socirty Coference (Saitama).
  • 2024.07 Mr. H. Kimura presented his research at EMCJ.
  • 2024.05 Mr. Y. Tozawa, Mr. M. Yoshida, Ms. L. Liu, Mr. R. Omoto, Mr. S. Ishihara, Mr. S. Asano, Mr. J. Tsuchida, Ms. Y. Iwaoka, Mr. H. Iwasaki, Mr. M. Kota, Mr. Y. Oguri presented their research at APEMC (Okinawa) and Mr. Y. Tozawa was awarded the Excellent Paper Award. [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8]
  • 2024.05 Mr. K. Oku, Mr. K. Nagai, Ms. R. Takano presented their research at IEICE CQ Meeting (Aichi)
  • 2024.03 Mr. M. Yoshida was awarded a Nagoya Institute of Technology Vice President’s Award.[1]
  • 2024.02 Ms. L. Liu presented her research at 2024 EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks (Italy).
  • 2024.01 Mr.R.Shoji presented his research at Japanese Society for Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine.
  • 2023.12 Mr.S.Humita presented his research at EMCJ(Sizuoka).
  • 2023.11 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at EMCJ(Tokyo).
  • 2023.10 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at 2023 45th Annual Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium (EOS/ESD). [1], [2]
  • 2023.10 Mr.K.Miyazaki presented his research at EMCJ(Yamagata).
  • 2023.09 Mr.R.Shoji, Mr.T.Asai, Mr.R.Naito, Ms.Y.Hamada, Mr.K.Miyazaki presented their research at IEICE Socirty Coference.
  • 2023.08 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at 2023 Information Processing Society of Japan TOKAI (Nagoya).
  • 2023.07~08  Dr. Y. Yano, Mr. M. Hara and Mr. M. Yoshida presented their researches at 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity (USA) . [1],[2],[3]
  • 2023.06 Mr.R.Inuzuka presented his research at IEICE CQ Meeting (Hokkaido) and he was awarded the Student Outstanding Presentation Award. [1]
  • 2023.03 Mr. M. Yoshida was awarded a 2023 IEICE TOKAI Sec. Conf. Student Award [1].
  • 2023.06 Prof. Wang gave a lecture titled “EMC Wearable Devices”, as part of a webinar series organized by IEEE EMCS and IEEE SA. It is available on-demand [1].
  • 2023.05 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at the Society of Automotive Engineers 2023 JSAE Annual Congress(Spring) (Yokohama) [1]
  • 2023.04 Mr.R.Ueda was awarded the MICT Young Scientist Award [1].
  • 2023.03 Mr. M. Yoshida received the Graduate School Research Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan.
  • 2023.03 Ms. L. Liu, Mr. H. Ito, Mr. R. Omoto, Ms. Y. Hamada Nagoya Institute of Technology presented thier research at IEICE General Conference (Saitama). [1]
  • 2023.03 Mr. M. Yoshida was awarded a Nagoya Institute of Technology Vice President’s Award. [1]
  • 2023.01 Mr.I.Kondo and Mr.R.Shoji presented their research at EMCJ(Okayama).
  • 2022.12 Mr.M.Yoshida and Mr.T.Saji presented their research at EMCJ(Nagoya).
  • 2022.11 Mr. Aoki and Shimizu received the EMC Design and Countermeasures Contest Grand Prize and IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Engineer Award.
  • 2022.11 Mr.M.Yoshida received the  Encouragement Aword on IEEE Student Branch Reseach Presentation Encouragement Workshop. [1]
  • 2022.09 Mr.S.Ishiguro presented his reaserch at URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting(Tokyo).
  • 2022.09 Mr.T.Asai presented his research at IEICE(Online).
  • 2022.09 Dr. Y. Yano, Mr. M. Hara and Mr. Y. Nakagawa presented their researches at 2022 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on EMC, Beijing.
  • 2022.08 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal/Power Integrity (USA).
  • 2022.07 Mr. N. Maeda received the Technical Committee on Communication Systems Honorable Mention Award.[1]
  • 2022.06 Ms. D. Daria, Mr. Y. Ishikawa, Mr. H. saeki, Mr. T. Asai, Mr. R. Shoji and Mr. S. Fumita presented thier research at BioEM 2022,Nagoya.[1],[2]
  • 2022.06 Prof. Wang serves as the local organizing committee co-chair of BioEM 2022, Nagoya.[1]
  • 2022.05 Mr. S. Ishiguro presented his research at IEICE EMCJ/IEICE MICT Meeting(Online).
  • 2022.04 Mr. H. Ito and Mr. T .Nakatani presented their research at EMCJ Meeting(Okinawa) 
  • 2022.03 Mr. Y. Yasue presented his research at IEICE EMCJ/IEICE MICT Meeting(Online).
  • 2022.03 Mr.I. Kondo, Mr. M. Yshida, Mr. Y. Nakagawa and Mr. R. Inuzuka presented their research at the IEICE General Conference (Online).
  • 2021.11 Mr. K. Okamoto presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Online).
  • 2021.11 Mr. M. Yoshida presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Aichi). [1]
  • 2021.11 Mr. H. Takagi presented their research at AP-S/URSI 2021(Online).
  • 2021.11 Mr. N. Maeda presented his research at IEICE CS Meeting (Online).
  • 2021.11 Mr. I. Kondo and Mr. R. Ueda received the KEC Special Award. [1]
  • 2021.11 Ms. D. Dmitrieva presented her research at 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Online).
  • 2021.10 Mr. I. Kondo presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Online).
  • 2021.09 Prof. Wang was awarded a Certificate of Merit by the IEICE Communication Society.
  • 2021.09 Mr. R. Ono, Mr. T. Saji, Mr. I. Kondo and Mr. M. Yoshida presented their research at the IEICE Society Conference (Online).
  • 2021.09 Mr. R. Ito, Mr. T. Iguchi and Mr. H. Saeki presented their research at URSI GASS 2021(Online).
  • 2021.07 Mr. Y. Ishikawa presented his research at IEICE MICT Meeting(Online).
  • 2021.07 Mr. R. Ito presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Online).
  • 2021.04 Mr. R. Ono received  the  Student Research Award from IEICE Tokai Chapter. [1]
  • 2021.03 Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuke Yano joined our laboratory.
  • 2021.03 Mr. Md. Ismail Haque, Mr. C. Han, Mr. Y. Ishikawa and Mr. H. Saeki presented their research at the IEICE General Conference.
  • 2021.01 Prof. Wang was elevated to IEEE Fellow.
  • 2020.11 Mr. Y. Nakagawa, Mr. H. Saeki and Mr. Y,Ishikawa received the Best Performance Award at ITU AI/ML in 5G Challenge Global Round in Japan. [1],[2]
  • 2020.10 Mr. Y. Fujii, Mr. T. Iguchi presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting(Online) .
  • 2020.09 Mr. Y. Morinaga, Mr. R. Ito, Mr. S. Toriyama presented their research at the IEICE Society Conference (Online).
  • 2020.08 Mr. Y. Fujii presented their research at JIEP Meeting(Online).
  • 2020.07 Mr. M. Kurihara, Mr. R. Ono, Mr. C. Han presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting(Online).
  • 2020.05 Mr. R. Ono, Mr. K. Miyajima and Mr. Y. Yasue presented their research at the 14th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technoogy (ISMICT 2020, Online).
  • 2020.05 Mr. R. Ito presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting(Online) .2020.03 Mr. Zheng Yang received the IEICE EMCJ Young Excellence Award .
  • 2020.01 Mr. K. Kamiya presented his research at IEICE MICT Meeting (Kumamoto).
  • 2020.01 Mr. K. Koike presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Ehime). [1]
  • 2019.12 Mr. Md. Ismail Haque and Mr. Y. Morinaga presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Cyukyo University). [1],[2]
  • 2019.12 Mr. C. Han and Mr. Y. Yasue received the KEC Special Award. [1]
  • 2019.10 Mr. K. Muramatsu and Mr. S. Yo presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Tohoku Gakuin University). [1],[2]
  • 2019.10 Mr. J. Hoshino presented his research at the MIKA2019 (Hokkaido University).
  • 2019.09 Mr. H. Nagao, Mr. H. Yamada, Mr. M. Kurihara, Mr. J. Hoshino and Mr. Y. Morinaga presented their research at the IEICE Society Conference (Osaka).
  • 2019.09 Mr. S. Hasegawa received the IEICI MICT Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award.
  • 2019.09 Assoc. Prof. Anzai, Mr. H. Nagao and Mr. S. Yo presented their research at the 2019 URSI-Japan Radio Science Meeting (URSI-JRSM 2019). [1],[2]
  • 2019.07 Assoc. Prof. Anzai gave a presentation at the 41st International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC 2019) (Berlin, Germany).[1]
  • 2019.07 Mr. H. Nagao presented his research at the 13th Anniversary Meeting of the Japan Association of Applied IT Healthcare. [1]
  • 2019.07 Prof. Wang received the Technical Acheievement Award for “Contributions to EM field biological effects and wearable device EMC aspects” from IEEE EMC Society
  • 2019.07 Mr. H. Yamada and Mr. K. Yoshibayashi presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Tokyo). [1],[2]
  • 2019.07 A seminar-trip of our laboratory to Fukui.
  • 2019.06 Mr. M. Chen received the IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters EMC 2019 Student Award. [1]
  • 2019.06 Mr. M. Chen, Mr. F Nagao, Mr. K Yoshibayashi, Mr. M. Kurihara, Mr. J. Hoshino and Mr. Y. Morinaga presented their research at the EMC Sapporo & APEMC 2019. [1],[2],[3],[4],[5]
  • 2019.05 Prof. Wang gave a keynoto talk on Implant Communication at 13th IEEE Internation Symposium on Medical Information and Commnuication Technology, Oslo, Norway.
  • 2019.05 Mr. J. Hoshino presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Hyogo). [1]
  • 2019.04 Prof. Wang and Mr. M. Chen presented their research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Okinawa).
  • 2019.03 Mr. K. Koike received the IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Student Award. [1]
  • 2019.03 Mr. M. Kurihara, Mr. Y. Fujii, Mr. J. Hoshino and Mr. Y. Morinaga presented their research at the IEICE General Conference (Waseda University). [1],[2],[3],[4]
  • 2019.03 Assoc. Prof. Anzai presented his research at the 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC 2019) (New Delhi, India).
  • 2019.03 Mr. S. Hasegawa presented his research at IEICE MICT Meeting (Tokyo). [1]
  • 2019.03 Mr. R. Yamada presented his research at IEICE EMCJ Meeting (Tokyo). [1]
  • 2019.03 Mr. Y. Sawatari presented his research at Japanese Society for Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine (Tokyo).
  • 2019.01 Assoc. Prof. Anzai received the 13th Wakashachi Award.